
See Javadoc for complete documentation of this class.

Usage: <method> [<options...>]
method: Method used to cluster data.
options...: Options for the clusterer

Available Operations

These commands can be used to perform a variety of tasks, ranging from defining important settings about the object to actually using it.

<output> = get <num> $<input> – Get a certain cluster from a dataset
num: Index of cluster to extract
input: Dataset containing entries to cluster
output: Dataset Single cluster from the input dataset.

selector $<selector> – Define an attribute selector to use before clustering
selector: BaseAttributeSelector to use for selection

split $<dataset> <filename> [<format>] – Split dataset into several clusters, save them
dataset: Dataset to be partitioned
filename: Base filename to use (actual file name will be <filename><cluster #>.<format>)
format: Optional: Format to use when saving clusters

train $<dataset> – Train a clustering algorithm
dataset: Dataset to use for training

Available Print Commands

These commands are run by calling "print <variable name> <command> [<options>]". Any output from that command will be printed to standard output.

selector – Print out attributes used to generate cluster, if an BaseAttributeSelector was provided

stats [<command>] – Print out statistics about clustering
command: Command to be passed to and run by internal ClustererStatistics class.