See: Description
Class | Description |
APEAttributeGenerator |
Compute attributes using Atomic Packing Efficiency (APE) of nearby clusters.
ChargeDependentAttributeGenerator |
Attributes derived from the oxidation states of elements in a material.
ElementalPropertyAttributeGenerator |
Generate attributes based on elemental property statistics.
ElementFractionAttributeGenerator |
Stores the fraction of each element as attributes.
ElementPairPropertyAttributeGenerator |
Attributes based on properties of constituent binary systems.
GCLPAttributeGenerator |
Computes attributes based on the T=0K ground state.
IonicCompoundProximityAttributeGenerator |
Generate attributes based on the distance of a composition from compositions
that can form, charge-neutral ionic compounds.
IonicityAttributeGenerator |
Generate attributes based on the "ioncity" of a compound.
MeredigAttributeGenerator |
Generates several attributes first demonstrated by
Meredig & Agrawal et al..
StoichiometricAttributeGenerator |
Generate attributes based on stoichiometry of material.
ValenceShellAttributeGenerator |
Generate attributes based on fraction of electrons in valence shell of
constituent elements.
YangOmegaAttributeGenerator |
Compute the Ω and δ parameters developed by
Yang and Zhang.